Friday, April 17, 2009

False Hopes

False - Wiki states, "False is the antonym of True".
Hope - Again according to Wiki, "Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best".

The literal conversion of False Hopes turns out to be the feeling that the event will turn out for the best, infact, turns out for the worst. This applies to many situation we face in our day-today lives.

Okay, let me get the context straight. I am talking about the most important part of a democracy (for the uneducated - Election).

With every election, there comes a list of promises (from the illogical, baseless, biased, foolhardy, laughable...) from different political parties as well as leaders (distinguished as well as otherwise). These mostly turns out to be hollow promises. They hold little water when the election gets over.

So, where does the false hopes comes here? First of all, each election, we think our situation will get better and we try to elect the lesser evil (its also called TINA factor - There Is No Alternative). And after the elections, we feel betrayed by the very people we had put in our trust to.

This year may not be different. But again my false hope tells me otherwise. What to do - Hope Floats!!!

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